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đŸšĢ Coca-Cola has been facing a significant backlash in Bangladesh following the release of a 60-second advertisement aimed at distancing the company from Israel amid the ongoing war in Gaza. The ad, which was briefly withdrawn before being reinstated, attempts to dispel the "misinformation" that Coca-Cola is an Israeli product. However, many Bangladeshis have criticized the ad for its insensitivity and inaccuracy.

📉 Since the start of Israel's assault on the Gaza Strip on October 7, Coca-Cola has seen a decline in sales of around 23 percent in Bangladesh, as consumers call for a boycott of firms believed to have links with the Israeli government and military. Despite intensifying its advertising efforts, including the controversial 60-second commercial, the beverage giant continues to face criticism and declining sales in the Muslim-majority country.

🌍 The advertisement has been particularly criticized for claiming that "even Palestine has a Coke factory," which is seen as an insensitive and false statement. In reality, the Coca-Cola factory is located in the occupied West Bank's Atarot, an Israeli settlement considered illegal under international law. As the backlash grows, Coca-Cola's attempts to regain its market position in Bangladesh, such as partnering with a Turkish associate, have yet to yield the desired results.

The Business World 


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