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Dead whale washes ashore on Barguna river bank

 A dead whale, about 25 feet long, has washed up on the banks of the Payra River in Barguna on Monday (1 July).

Fishermen saw the whale in the protected forest of Chonbunia area of M Baliatoli Union of Barguna Sadar Upazila around 4:00pm.

According to villagers, no one went fishing near the protected forest after a few days of heavy rain. On Monday afternoon, some people went and found the half-molten whale and informed the UNO office.

Arifur Rahman, coordinator of the Tengragiri Forest Protection Committee, told The Business Standard that the whale's body, floating in the river water during high tide, has begun to decompose. 

"If the whale isn't buried soon, it could pollute the surrounding environment. Moreover, panic has spread among the villagers, and many people are coming in groups to see the whale."

Barguna Sadar Upazila Executive Officer Shamim Mia said, "The local forest department has been notified after the report of a dead whale floating on the river bank. 

"They are currently working to determine the weight and size of the whale. Since there is no team in Barguna equipped to handle dead whales, a team from Patuakhali has been requested for assistance," he added.


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